fuck the past. fuck you. fuck the world. fuck my face. fuck me. fuck the bullshit in my head. fuck my repetitive, self-deprecating thought patterns. fuck marketing. fuck everyone constantly trying to sell me shit. fuck this incessant stream of noise that hums so loud in my ears i can't hear myself breathe, let alone think. fuck meds. fuck not being on meds. fuck this.
i want it to stop.
i want it all to burn.
i want this shit hole of a fucking existence to get smeared in blood, and filth, and vomit and shit and cum and burn to the fucking ground in an unholy and absolute holocaust.
i want to see a world encased in flames where people who thought they understood their lives realize that it's all shit. pointless shit. babble. banal. useless. shit.
me included. covered. suffocated in it and burned to nothing. a quiet, dead corner left in the cosmos with nothing left to even consider mourning it.
there is no way to quantify the hate in me. for me. and for everything i see.
i hope you fucking choke on this.